Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh, I forgot you can't touch me!

I don't want to turn my blog into a racial, cultural or religious storm... but I had something laughable happen to me today.

Sure, I think it's weird... but I do understand the differences in various cultures, and I respect that (even if I think it's strange).

Today I was talking to a doctor who is an Orthodox Jew. He's a really awesome doctor, and I often go to talk to him for my job. I always chat with his wife, and the office manager as well.

He's really been very welcoming and polite to me.

As I was getting ready to leave I thanked him for helping to make my first 1/2 year in the field at my job more pleasent... and that's when I put out my hand. Force of habit I guess.

He might have well jumped back in shrieked by the way he looked at me and said "Sorry". That's when I said "Oh yeah, I forgot... sorry... have a happy new year" and ran out mortified. He wasn't allowed to touch me. It's religious thing... or maybe he's lying about his religion and he thinks I have cooties!

I really don't know the exact reason, I think it's that an Orthodox Jewish man cannot touch a non-jewish woman... but I could be totally ignorant here. If anyone can find out for me... I'm really curious.

Generally, I don't put out my hand for doctors... because I see doctors of many races, cultures and religions... so I dont' want to offend anyone. I just forgot today and stuck out my hand out of habit.


Technodoll said...

So, how does he examine his patients?! Or does he only take on patients of his religious beliefs? And if yes... wouldn't the racist be him? Hypocrites. Grow up, already!

Angeleyes said...

It seems as though he, and many other doctors in that area only take on patients of the same religious belief.

I guess it's pretty rude when you think about it... eh?

Technodoll said...

well, it is their freedom of choice... but i think the minority should still make an effort to accept the majority's way of doing things, such as a handshake. Ya know?...

Skryker said...

I don't know for sure, but I know Orthodox Judaism is very strict on many, many points. He probably does only see others of his religion-by the same token it's likely that they can only be touched by another Orthodox Jew.

Must make getting medical attention difficult at times.

I used to laugh because the store I worked at sold Kosher dish soap. Then I found out that to truly keep kosher, all the utensils and cleaning agents must also be blessed by a rabbi. Then I felt bad because I'd laughed. *blushes*

prin said...

Ah to each their own. I don't expect myself to assimilate into the norm, and I wouldn't expect anybody else to either.

As long as everybody adheres to basic ethical rules, I'm ok. :)