Saturday, December 15, 2007

Max-i-mus Max-i-mus

IMO one of the best movies... up there with LOTR trilogy and some other faves. Obviously this is how my little booger got his name...

See the resemblance of handsome-ness?

Regardless though... last night Keith was sick... so of course Maximus had sympathy pains (until our neighbor came over, because then he HAD to get lovin's). When I went to bed Keith was watching Gladiator, and Maximus was out like a log. I'm talking a pick you up, move you, and you don't even open your eyes when you flop down log.

So I'm watching the movie as I'm falling asleep... cursing Commodus in my head *whimpy devious little bitch*... and the part came when Maximus had to take his helmet/mask off and let the Roman Empire know who he was. So as he was walking out everyone started screaming "Max-i-mus, Max-i-mus" over and over. I didn't expect it... but boy did Maximus jump up and look at that TV!!! "What the hell? I'm sleeping assholes! Can't you tell???... stop cheering my name... yes, I know I'm great... but it's going to have to wait until tomorrow". :D Silly pup.


prin said...

lol Maximus. What a funny guy. He should, like, totally come visit me with his dad. You don't have to come. I mean, it's a really long trip and all. :P

Angeleyes said...

LOL! Nice try... too bad his dad doesn't drive... you want to pick them up? :-p

Technodoll said...

That was hilaaaarious!

I think I like the dog better :-D

Angeleyes said...

LOL!... thanks techno. I definitely think the dog blows Russell Crowe away in handsome-ness :) But then again, I'm certainly partial!