Saturday, December 15, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Man... I think I've ranted on here before... in my short amount of time on Blogspot. We have too many friggin' parties to go to!!!!

We have to plan our own wedding, get through the holidays, plan my MIL's 60th surprise birthday party (and that will be like a wedding!), then my sister's 30th birthday party, throw my cousins bridal shower (because her mom is a tool), then her bachelorette and wedding, three baby showers, two Christenings, two additional bridal showers, another wedding, our family friends 60th birthday, not to mention the regular birthday's and those are only things I know about in the next six months!!

Talk about too much going on when your trying to buy a new house and plan an expensive wedding! Sheesh!

Though, sometimes I feel guilty for complainingg... since the only reason we have so many things to go to is because we have so many friends and family in our lives. So I guess that makes it okay! (Until I'm broke... then I'll be cursing them all!!!).

Not to mention that I spent my friday night working. This job will be the death of me... but I do love it! LOL! It was the end of our budget for the year, so I had a lot of finances to run through to make sure I am reimbursed for what I should be reimbursed for. So yeah... I'm a sick loser who spent her Friday night in with a calculator! *L*


prin said...

Yey for weddings! lol (as long as they're other people's. :D)

I hope things calm down soon. Like soon soon. (hugs)

Technodoll said...

Wow! It's a miracle you can even think of blogging at this rate!

Don't forget to get your energy back, I heard chocolate and sleep are pretty good tools ;-)

Angeleyes said...

I hope things slow down soon too!

I've really been resorting to the chocolate and sleep... went to bed at like 1am last night and didn't open my eyes until 12:30pm!!!! I was so mad that Keith didn't wake me, but he said I needed it. Good luck to me trying to sleep tonight, lol!!!

I actually feel like chocolate in moderation makes me look skinnier, lol. That should be a blog topic! :)