Sunday, December 23, 2007

Messin' me up!

I wake up late because we had a poker game run until late at our house yesterday... post on blogspot... open the freezer to remove a tupperware of food for thawing since I hate to microwave Maximus' food. I realize that there are only two tupperwares left, and whatever is in the fridge (enough for two servings- and he eats about 5 times a day). So of course this means one tupperware is enough for a day and he'll need more food ON Christmas day. I won't really have time to cook tomorrow OR Christmas day, so I figured I'd go buy a salmon at some point to make the food last until Wednesday.

So I say to Keith "Oh frik!" and explain the situation. He responds "What's wrong with tomorrow?" and I reply "Tomorrow is Christmas Eve" he laughs and says "No it's not, Christmas Eve is Tuesday!". I immediately believe him and run to computer to avoid making myself look stupid and change my previos blog post from "tomorrow" to "tuesday" in regards to when Christmas Eve is. Whew... close one.

So I continue doing the tasks I need to do and as I'm on the computer I run my mouse past the time and it flashes the date. Thanks Bill! :)

I notice it says December 23rd!! WTF!?!?! Christmas Eve IS tomorrow! So I speed back here to, again, avoid making myself look like an idiot *S* and change "Tuesday" back to "tomorrow".

Point being... don't EVER believe a man.


Technodoll said...

He he! Don't you love it when they mess with our minds! *grin*

prin said...

LOL!! That Keith, eh? I should just come take him away to give you a more peaceful existence. hehe...;)

Merry Christmas, you.