Monday, January 7, 2008

***Action Required***

Alright people... I need you to answer this question.

Let's say you were the maid of honor in your cousin's wedding. You've become "not a fan" of your cousin for a LONG grueling list of reasons that would make your jaws drop, but you came to the conclusion that you would do the right thing and help make her day special. After all, you don't hate her (though most people would for the things she's done), you just don't want her to be an important part of your life anymore due to deviousness, backstabbing, blatant disrespect and extreme selfishness.

Even better, unlike the tradition of the mother paying for the bridal shower, the mother wants you and your sister to pay for it... for no reason other than cheapness. So fine, you figure that once it's all over you will be able to "bow out" of the relationship. No fights, no hard feelings, just avoidance.

Now you get a call from your sister, the matron of honor saying that said cousin booked a bachelorette party for herself with her fiancee. "He's handling it all" in planning, but they expect you to pay in part for the bachelorette party... but they planned it in another state, in a hotel, overnight. The best part is that they didn't even check the date with you or call you about it, and you believe you have a very important previous engagement that day.

Would you go?


Technodoll said...

Hell no! I have a life too, you selfish cow! (he he - those would be my thoughts). There is a limit to mooching, disrespect and all that. Just IMO :-)

prin said...

You know my answer already. No. lol

KA said...

absolutely not!!!! No freakin way!

Anonymous said...

absofreakinglutely not.

am not even sure I'd be the matron of honor either ....

prin said...